Thursday, 1 November 2012

A "Wee" More Hope (Sorry!)

Following their most recent meeting on 24 October 2012, the renal team have agreed that I am not ruled out for donation anymore since receiving my latest results from rheumatology.

As I suffer from fibromyalgia only and no other horrible hidden nasties, it means that there are no contraindications to donating a kidney.

Now, this doesn't mean that I am guaranteed to be able to do it. It's just the beginning of a lot of tests but, at the request of the renal team, I have, over the past week, had 3 urine tests done to check for proteins and other things which I don.t really understand.

All three tests have come back with nothing abnormal detected so I have sent the results over to the renal unit and now have to wait and see what will happen next.

I will update as soon as I know anything.

How many of you have thought about donating a kidney? We would love to hear from people who are on the live organ donor registry.

1 comment:

  1. That is fantastic news. Having received a kidney from my Dad 5 years ago, I really hope you get the go-ahead. Keep us posted
