Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Winning the Lottery but Losing the Ticket...

When I went for my initial appointment to see if I could donate a kidney to Jo, all of my medical records were looked through and, because I have some health problems, a meeting was scheduled for the next day so that medical experts could assess the risks involved with me donating.

You already know it was decided that I can't donate but, while I was at the unit, I had my blood taken for testing so that it would save another trip.

A few weeks ago, we found out that I am an absolutely perfect match.

What should have been wonderful news devastated both Jo and me. The grief was much worse than finding out that I can't donate and knowing that I am carrying the one thing that can save my sister's life inside me is almost unbearable.

We have cried it all out now and had a good chat but it's put a strain on our hope a little.

I read an article today and the figures are pretty shocking. Around 50,000 people in the UK suffer from kidney failure and, out of those people, 7,000 need a kidney transplant.

Almost 7,000 people have read my blog. If that many people have seen it and showed it to others, imagine what would happen if that many people registered to donate a kidney.

This quest has become more than a search for a kidney for Jo - we want to raise awareness and help all people needing kidney transplants. 

Could you share your spare? Would you?

Visit the NHSBT website and register today or call 0300 123 23 23.

You could be carrying the gift of life for someone.

Please continue to share the blog and follow us on Facebook.